The history of W6JE (originally 6JE) dates back to the earliest days of wireless communication. W6JE was included in the 1913 U.S. Commerce Department list of radio stations. Over the past century-plus, many different amateur radio operators have kept W6JE on the air, advancing wireless experimentation and pioneering new modes of communication. The station, located in California for most of its history, is now based in Gilbert, Arizona. W6JE spans the entire era of wireless communication, from spark-gap radiotelegraph transmission to space and terrestrial digital communication. Steeped in history, yet looking excitedly to the future—this is W6JE. 

About John Edwards
John Edwards, the current licensee of W6JE, is a technology writer and journalist. John has written for a wide range of major publications and is the author of several books on technology topics. He is also a former 73 Magazine columnist.

W6JE is licensed under the authority of the Federal Communications Commission. John Edwards holds an Amateur Extra Class operator license, which grants the maximum number of operator privileges allowable under law.W6JE operator John Edwards is a Life Member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the U.S. national association for amateur radio.